6769 Lake Woodlands Dr Ste A, The Woodlands, TX 77382
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Periodontal Therapy

Home » Periodontal Therapy

When periodontal therapy can restore oral health?

Gum disease is well-known by dentists as one of the leading causes of tooth loss in older adults. It often results in losing bone, gum tissue, and adult teeth. To combat this, our Leah Zils DDS team encourages patients to be proactive in caring for their smile and avoiding developing periodontal disease. However, there are times when problems may arise, and this is when we will recommend periodontal therapy, a type of gum disease treatment.

What is gum disease?

Gum disease is an infection and dental condition that can occur when plaque and tartar build up on the teeth, causing inflammation in the gums. If left without treatment, this may lead to periodontitis, a more severe and advanced form of gum disease that affects the gum tissues and bones supporting the teeth.

How do I know if I have periodontal disease?

Some common signs and symptoms of periodontal disease include swollen, red, or bleeding gums, bad breath, receding gums, and loose teeth. However, it is possible to have gum disease without experiencing any noticeable symptoms. This is why regular dental check-ups are essential for early detection and treatment. Dr. Leah Zils of The Woodlands, Texas, work alongside patients, providing periodontal exams and cleanings as a treatment for gingivitis and periodontitis.

How does periodontal therapy help?

Periodontal therapy is a treatment aimed at addressing gum or periodontal disease and preventing further damage to the gums and surrounding structures. If we find signs of gum disease in your mouth, there are several different options for treatment, depending on the progression and severity of your case. For more advanced cases, we offer numbing agents like Oraqix, antibacterial medicaments, ultrasonic instrumentation, and topical antibiotics such as ARESTIN to help reverse the effects of gum disease.

Schedule an appointment with Leah Zils, DDS, today!

Call (281) 973-2276 to request a visit with Dr. Leah Zils of The Woodlands, TX, and learn more about caring for the smile and preventing gum disease and tooth decay. The office is at 6769 Lake Woodlands Drive, Suite A, and is open to new patients.

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