Losing several teeth can have a huge impact on your life. First, your smile is affected, often interfering with how you interact with others. You can also no longer function at optimal levels in terms of eating a nutritious diet and speaking clearly. Fortunately, Dr. Leah Zils can help you regain your beautiful smile with […]
If you live with sleep apnea, you likely already know the toll it can take on your life and even your health. Untreated sleep apnea can lead to serious complications, but there is some good news. Dr. Leah Zils can help you find the relief you need by addressing the root cause of your sleep […]
TMJ pain can affect every area of life, including how you eat, the quality of your sleep, and how well you can focus during the day. This condition can also cause headaches and neck pain, leaving you feeling tense and exhausted. Fortunately, Dr. Leah Zils can help with dentist-approved methods to relieve TMJ pain. 1. […]
A missing tooth impacts more than just your smile. If you are missing one or more of your teeth, it affects your ability to chew and can even change how you speak and pronounce words. Perhaps even more concerning, a missing tooth can put you at increased risk of gum disease and/or decay in your […]